guy harvey

Save our seas

A groundbreaking school initiative that fosters an enthusiasm among Caribbean youth towards marine awareness and environmental responsiblity

About save our seas

Catching the Wave

For the 2015/2016 school year, The Sandals Foundation, the Guy Harvey Ocean Foundation and CARIBSAVE worked closely with forty schools across the Caribbean and reached over 1,400 children to educate students on topics including: Coral Reefs, Sea Turtles, Sharks and Marine Mammals and Coastal Ecosystem and Climate Change.



Towards the end of the school year, an essay competition was hosted for students to write an informative piece regarding one of the topics discussed. Winners were each awarded a computer and school supplies for their creative ideas and expression of the importance of marine awareness.

The competition was met with great enthusiasm and revealed that the programme had engaged students, made them truly think about their impact on the world and encouraged them to come up with sustainable solutions that could be implemented within their communities.

How can we in Barbados assist in the mission to save our seas? Businesses, individuals and goverment need to educate, communicate and cooperate urgently as they all stand to benefit.

Many thanks to businesses and organizations like the Sandals Foundation and CARIBSAVE in spearheading efforts to educate sensitize and mobilize key persons including young minds like me, tour guides and others toward taking action to save our marine environment.

Excerpts from Our Seas 
Keron Adams
Milton Lynch Primary School 



You can get involved in environmental conservation